Practiced in China for over 4000 years, acupuncture has lasted the ‘Health test of time’ and is now medically recognized as a potent form of healing for many conditions. Since the 1970s , western medical science has been researching a scientific explanation behind the effectiveness of acupuncture. They have found that there is a sound scientific basis for using acupuncture for pain relief and for assistance with musculo-skeletal pain (1).
Acupuncture and dry needling are used at Advantage Healthcare and Physiotherapy as part of an overall Physiotherapy treatment program.
About Our Wynnum Dry Needling & Acupuncture Services
Treatable conditions:
If you have a specific question, ask one of our therapists!
How many treatments will I need?
Treatments for both acupuncture and dry needling are normally combined with other modalities at Advantage Healthcare & Physiotherapy. The combination of treatment will depend on your condition and how you react to the needling will define how many treatments you need.
Is acupuncture or dry needling painful?
Dry Needling can sometimes be painful for some clients. It depends on your muscle tightness, injury, history and any other conditions. You will always have a choice regarding which treatment you want. Acupuncture is generally not painful as often smaller needles can be used and the needles are stimulated/manipulated less.
What’s the Difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice which involves inserting fine needles to stimulate and balance the flow of Qi through the body. Dry needling is based on western philosophies and is often associated with trigger points, tight muscles and stimulating tissue repair at a local level.
At Advantage Healthcare & Physiotherapy we have Wynnum therapists who can utilise both acupuncture and dry needling into your treatment plan. Acupuncture and Dry Needling have different techniques and therefore, provide different outcomes. Your therapist will be able to recommend which is better for you.
Acupuncture and Dry needling both use fine-tipped needles (only about 0.25mm in width) to puncture the skin and provide therapeutic relief.
Muscle Triggering
Dry Needling is a technique in which a needle is inserted into the muscle tissue. This allows the muscle to release and relax.
Energy Flow
Acupuncture focuses on relieving a variety of conditions (muscle pain, headaches, cramping) by stimulating a person’s energy flow or chi.
Electro Acupuncture
Electro acupuncture involves running a small current between the acupuncture needles to enhance the effects of the acupuncture. The amount of stimulation can be started with a very small current which will be felt as a small humming or a slight tapping sensation. Once someone is use to the sensation, they can request a higher dose to help increase the stimulation effects.
What is Dry Needling used for?
Dry needling is very effective in releasing tight muscles through stimulating trigger points in the muscles. When these trigger points are stimulated the muscle often contracts and then releases. This release although occasionally a little uncomfortable is incredibly effective and fast at releasing tight muscles. In cases of scar tissue or a tendinopathies, the clinician may choose to repeatedly stimulate the damaged tissue. This stimulation causes an increased inflammatory response, which restarts the healing process.